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March 2022 Status Update (3/10)

After months of working on my business project and completing the readability program, I finally started the Caesar project. The project is about encryption and encrypting confidential messages by shifting each letter by a specific number of places. For example, the A might be a B, B as C, C as D, and so on. Unencrypted text is called plaintext, while the encrypted text is called a ciphertext and the secret “shift” is called a key. Caesar’s algorithm for encryption is Ci=(pi + k)%26. The encrypted language is created by rotating each letter by k positions. P is plaintext whereas Pi is the ith character in p. %26 is the remainder when dividing by 26. I found it challenging to incorporate this equation into my program because of the functions and the complications in implementing it.

March 2022 Status Update (3/14)

This week is a little busier so I started to watch lecture 5. Lecture 5 focuses on data structures, singly-linked lists, hash tables and tries. I plan to finish the lecture by the end of the week. I hope to be able to catch up on week 4 shorts, watch other lectures/shorts and make more progress on problem sets/labs during spring break. 

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